Tuesday 04 ta' March 2025

Merħba fis-sit elettroniku

tal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Qrendi

The “Wied iz-Zurrieq” Tower

These towers were a serious attempt to fortify the Maltese coastline again future invasions and the continual raids by Turkish’s pirates and raiders.

“Torri tax-Sciutu or Torri ta Xutu”, the Wied iz-Zurrieq medieval tower is another of the series of coastal towers built in 1637, by Grand master Jean Paul Lascaris.

This tower is square in plan and strong as it is of a larger size than the others built around the time due to its thicker walls and slopping reinforcing buttresses.

The tower consists of two floors, each with vaulted ceilings, and a flat roof with a parapet and embrasures for two guns. There are two entrances in the ground floor, but the only means of getting to the first floor was by ladder. A staircase climbs in the thickness of the wall from the first floor to the flat roof.

In 1792 the tower was armed with half pounder cannon.